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JDRF-funded clinical trial shows promise for suppressing the progression of Type 1 diabetes in those newly diagnosed

JDRF-funded clinical trial shows promise for suppressing the progression of Type 1 diabetes in those newly diagnosed

In December, JDRF Australia, a leading research funder of Type 1 diabetes announced a research breakthrough following a world-first Australian clinical trial which supressed Type 1 diabetes progression. The findings, which were published in the leading medical journal, The New

Ottomin Foundation is acknowledged by Sydney Children’s Hospital Foundation for over $1 million in support

Ottomin Foundation is acknowledged by Sydney Children’s Hospital Foundation for over $1 million in support

The Ottomin Foundation was delighted to be recently acknowledged by the Sydney Children’s Hospital Foundation (SCHF) for its thirteen years of support and over $1 million in donations. Over these years, the Ottomin Foundation reached the status of a ‘Champion’