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Published on: Philanthropy

A new era for Lou’s Place in Redfern

The 6th December 2021 heralded a new era for Lou’s Place as it opened its doors from its new home in Redfern. The new site, located on Renwick Street, has meant that Lou’s Place can double the number of women it can support.

Lou’s Place is Sydney’s only community-based day-time refugee for women and provides free meals, drop in services including legal and medical aid, individual case management and therapeutic group work programs.

Excitingly, the new premises now functionally support the services which Lou’s Place provides. Purpose-built case management rooms provide privacy for clients and case workers, the new kitchen has transformed food preparation by the volunteer chefs and multi-purpose gathering spaces mean that art classes can be delivered at the same time as domestic violence programs. The provision of bright and modern amenities means that toilets and showers can now be accessed by multiple clients at the same time; and managers now have designated work spaces to undertake the management of the centre and client relations.

Most importantly, the new premises have meant that Lou’s Place can support and empower more clients who are in crisis, feel isolated or need support.

The Ottomin Foundation, as a long-time supporter of Lou’s Place and recurrent donor, contributed $250,000 to the capital purchase and fit-out of the new premises in Redfern.