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Published on: Philanthropy

Lou’s Place is Full!

After 21 years in their terrace in Kings Cross, Lou’s Place, the only community-based day-time refugee for women in Sydney is looking for new premises. After two decades on the busy Victoria Street, Lou’s has launched a capital campaign to raise $5m for a new home.

An upgrade will allow them to double the number of women they help in just five years. The current house is bursting at the seams and women have to be turned away every day. Around 30 per cent of clients are rough sleepers, a quarter are transgendered women and high proportion suffer from drug addictions. Many of these women would not be allowed in most refuges across Sydney, which have strict rules about drug abuse and gender identity.

The Ottomin Foundation, a longer time support of Lou’s Place, has pledged $250,000 to the campaign.

Visit Lou’s Place Capital Campaign for more details: